Why family travel can be disastrous – and how to make it right

Parents and children playing at the beach on a family travel

A family holiday is something that everyone looks forward to. The long-awaited break from work and the well-deserved time off from school. But with fun comes challenges. If not coordinated carefully, the family vacation can be a disastrous travel experience. With simple foresight, understanding and some travel plans, these challenges can be overcome. Here, we show you how family travel has the potential to be a disaster and what to do to make it right.

#1 Overwhelming stress right off the bat

Parents with their son and daughter on a family travel together

Seriously? The idea of traveling, fun. Travel plans, fun. Choosing destination, fun. But forgetting some clothing items, medicine or important documents? Not fun. Mix in long flights, boring road trips, traveling with children, with no restroom in sight? Things start to get serious.

Take it easy. Write everything down. Make a list of places you will be visiting, things to bring and documents to have. This will give you the bigger picture and what to expect. You are on vacation with your family. Even if things might not go smoothly, keep a positive attitude so your partner and your children can reflect off your positive vibes. Plus, Tiq Travel Insurance covers lost documents, including money, for up to S$500. Keep calm and carry on.

#2 Finding out that you don’t really enjoy doing some stuff with your family

Family travel can expose contemptuous behaviour between family members

Seriously? You got to your dream resort destination. The kids want to go on a boat ride. But you tend to get sea-sick. Your partner thinks it’s a great idea. But you just want to chill at the beach. Now the kids are throwing tantrums. The stress starts to build up.

Take it easy. Admit it, you’re not going to enjoy everything that your family want to do. Hence, it is important to discuss travel plans together. Having different motives for taking the trip is not a crime. You want some space and time to relax, whereas your partner and children want to have fun and explore. Decide the trip, in details, beforehand so you know who wants to do what. Communicate your concerns and try to achieve a compromise.

#3 Wanting to document everything about your trip

A family being photographed by many photographers

Seriously? Family travel is a special thing. It’s understandable if you or your spouse want to document everything, from taking pictures together to getting that perfect Boomerang shot. Add in kids to the mix and a crowded tourist spot, things are bound to get hectic.

Take it easy. Your electronic gadgets are great to have around. Be it to check GPS location or using e-wallets. But make it a point with your partner to unplug at certain times during the trip. Unplugging means no disturbance from social media or work emails. Enjoy the moments and indulge in each other’s company.

#4 Overspending and running out of budget

Parents and children walking together in a shopping mall

Seriously? Vacation is a time to splurge and treat yourself. However, after booking rooms and flight tickets, then spending on food, souvenirs, entertainment and other services… you’re going to run out of money sooner than expected.

Take it easy. Talking about money when money is tight can be super awkward. So have the talk in advance. Set the budget before you even choose the destination, especially if you wish to travel cheaper during peak holiday seasons. Decide if the trip is going to be a lavish one, a frugal one or perhaps somewhere in between. This will set a certain expectation and remove any disappointment along the way. Speaking of expectations…

#5 Too much expectation on your spouse and yourself

Parents pushing their children on a swing at the park

Seriously? It’s easy to want to step up and do everything for your family. It’s also easy to expect your spouse to do the same. But imagine traveling with children, having your flight delayed for 3 hours and stranded at the airport? Things might get unnecessarily stressful real quick.

Take it easy. Divide the tasks 50/50. This will show how well you work as a team. Teamwork provides growth for you and your partner in terms of responsibility and communication especially when things aren’t going smoothly. With Tiq Travel Insurance automated flight delay monitoring, you’ll even get instant payout with only 3 hours of consecutive flight delay. Furthermore, carrying the load for each other will ensure that you and your partner can enjoy a fun trip together with the kids.

Do you take travel seriously?

Excited parents and child preparing their luggage for a family travel

With Tiq Travel Insurance, you can focus on your family while we worry about travel blunders like flight delays or lost luggage. Our award-winning team are here to help so that your trip can be a memorable one. Share this article with your loved ones so they can get on the same page. And be sure to check out these tips on how to overcome the post-holiday blues once you come back. We take travel seriously, so you don’t have to. #TiqTravelSeriously


Information is accurate as at 21 February 2020. This policy is underwritten by Etiqa Insurance Pte. Ltd. (Company Reg. No. 201331905K). Protected up to specified limits by SDIC.

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