Things to Know About Intermittent Fasting

Is intermittent fasting effective?

Intermittent fasting is one of the world’s most popular health and fitness trends today and is also practised in various religions. Did you know that it’s not only good for your spiritual health but also your mental and physical health?

You may have already heard about intermittent fasting, with many swearing by it. This is somewhat similar to Muslims fasting during Ramadan as intermittent fasting also practise abstinence from food and drink.

Is intermittent fasting really that good? Read on and find out!

Weight loss

One of the most popular reasons to do intermittent fasting is to lose weight and belly fat. By eating in lesser frequency, you intake lesser calories while boosting metabolism. This makes it effective as a weight loss method.

Reduce insulin resistance

intermittent fasting to reduce insulin resistance

Studies show that intermittent fasting can lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, at least in men. A small group of obese men with prediabetes did the 16/8 intermittent fasting, where they were eating only during the eight-hour window while another group had their meals spread out over 12 hours (between 7am and 7pm).

After 5 weeks, both groups maintained their weight but the intermittent fasting group actually ended up with lower insulin levels, improved insulin sensitivity and also have significantly lower blood pressure!

Also, they didn’t feel hungry as the fast helped decrease their appetite! This shows that just by eating earlier in the day and extending the overnight fast would significantly boost your metabolism!

#TiqOurWord Fasting may be helpful for people with diabetes but it’s not a treatment for it! Always consult your doctor if you have any underlying diseases before you undertake intermittent fasting as part of your health plan!

Cellular repair processes

When you fast, it allows your gut to cleanse and strengthen its lining. It also triggers a process called autophagy, where cells self-cleanse and remove damaged and dangerous particles. Over time, increased autophagy may protect your body against several diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.


May help prevent cancer

Intermittent fasting to help reduce cancer threats In recent years, studies show that intermittent fasting can reduce the risk of cancer or decrease cancer growth rates. As fasting helps lower insulin resistance and levels of inflammation, the body will also have increased production of tumour-killing cells.

Fasting may make cancer cells more responsive to chemotherapy and may also boost the immune system to fight cancer that is already present in the body.

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Improve mental health

When you do intermittent fasting, it can increase the growth of new neurons and protect your brain from damage. It has shown that fasting enhances the gut microbiome (the good bacteria) in your stomach, which helps improve both physical and mental health.

Fun Fact! Did you know that the Muslims were commanded to fast during Ramadan more than 1,400 years ago? Meanwhile, the ancient Greeks recommended fasting to heal the body, and today some scientists are advocating a modified fast for its mental and physical benefits.

Slow down aging

As we age, our DNA deteriorates. Fasting can help slow down the degradation of DNA and speed up the DNA repairs, which slows down the aging process. It can also increase levels of antioxidants, which helps prevent the body’s cells from being broken down by harmful molecules that damages cells.

Other factors to consider

Stay healthy and be prepared for lifeWhile it sounds like a great health plan that is seemingly easy to do, intermittent fasting is not suitable for pregnant women, youth under 18 years (as they may develop an eating disorder), people newly diagnosed with chronic disease, and shift workers (as it may be difficult to maintain consistent and fasting windows).

A healthy exercise regimen will also help to increase the benefits of intermittent fasting. It is best to consult an expert in this field or try to do extensive researches to come up with a plan to suit your needs and lifestyle. You will be at risk of losing muscle mass and not experience the full benefits of intermittent fasting if your feeding windows are not set up properly with the right nutritional program.

Intermittent fasting can potentially have powerful effects on your body and brain, and may even help you to live longer. In addition to caring for your mental and physical health, don’t forget to protect your financial health and those of your loved ones with a comprehensive life insurance in case of unexpected circumstances. Learn more.


Information is accurate as at 7 May 2021.  This policy is underwritten by Etiqa Insurance Pte. Ltd. (Company Reg. No. 201331905K. Protected up to specified limits by SDIC. You should seek advice from a financial adviser before deciding to purchase the policy. If you choose not to seek advice, you should consider if the policy is suitable for you.

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