Rolling the Pineapple & Other Home Rituals For Good Wishes

A lady holding a pineapple to be rolled in a new home for luck

Across the globe and right here in our little red dot, interesting home traditions and customs abound. From letting a cat enter first to rolling the pineapple and replacing the old broom, these traditional rituals for new homes serve a sole purpose: to bless your home and give peace of mind. Did you do any of these? It’s never too late to get started!

For Good Luck and Auspiciousness

Source: GIPHY

Move into your new home on an auspicious date

There is a time and place for everything, and this applies especially to important milestones in one’s life. In Singapore and various part of Asia, it is important to select an auspicious date for moving into a new home.

This is widely practised across the Chinese and Indian community as well as people that believe in fengshui. Moving into your new home on an auspicious date is said to ensure the smooth progress of all matters and brings forth good luck!

Bring a cow into your new home

Once in a while, excitement buzz in our housing estate when we have new neighbours moving in. This is especially so when there’s a cow or calf involved. A cow in the lift of your high-rise apartment building may come as a surprise but this is a Hindu tradition amongst our Indian friends where cows are brought into the house to do a house blessing.

Let a feline enter your new home first

Did you know that cat is a sign of good luck in Russia? According to traditions, a cat will be let into the new home before the owners even stepped in! It is believed to be a spiritual animal that can feel positive and negative energies, and the spot where it chooses to lie could be a spot for the new bed!

This is such an important good luck ritual that a bank once loaned cats to clients who buy their mortgage products! Perhaps you can consider letting your pet cat enter your new home first?

#TiqOurWord Tiq Home Insurance by Etiqa offers optional add-on benefits where you can insure your pet for up to S$500. The pet examination will be covered in the event that your dog or cat gets injured.

For Prosperity

Boiling milk till it overflows

In Hindu tradition, boiling milk on your new stove in an open pot until it flows over symbolises abundance of wealth, health and happiness for the household. After the milk has boiled over, some will be offered to the deities and the remaining will be consumed with sugar among family members and house guests. Distributing the leftover milk is symbolic of family members sharing joy and sorrow equally.

Roll the pineapples

In Singapore, pineapples are highly coveted fruits for its symbolism of prosperity. Transiting from a Chinese belief to a uniquely Singapore custom, rolling the pineapple is a popular ritual to bless new homes. Most likely originated from the Hokkien community, rolling the pineapple is akin to rolling good luck and prosperity into the home.

Turning on all appliances

Common home fengshui practices advise homeowners to turn on all appliances upon entering your new home or water outlets for about 1 minute to signify abundance, steady wealth and a favourable conclusion to all matters.

Do not forget to turn everything off though, otherwise you may find yourself racking up a hefty utilities bill and loses wealth instead. Check out these tips to save water at home.

On a related note, you may want to get Tiq Home Insurance, which comes with Emergency Home Assistance – a 24/7 one-stop home repair service that covers four common emergencies, namely electrical, plumbing, locksmith and pest control.

Scatter coins for prosperity

While Indians traditionally believe that accidentally dropping coins from your hand will bring you more money in time to come, it is common for Filipinos to scatter coins deliberately around the living room of their new house upon arriving. In Philippines, this is a custom that is symbolic of attracting wealth and prosperity! In case you would like to try, do throw the coins inwards to every corner of the room so that it’s like money entering the home. Also, it is not unheard of to leave the coins lying around for the following days but you may want to reconsider that if you have little children at home.

For eliminating negative energies

Source: GIPHY

Replace your old broom

From Spain to England and around the world, it is not a good idea to bring an old broom to one’s new home. Akin to bringing bad luck or misfortune, an old broom is often being replaced with a new one to symbolise sweeping away toxic vibes and ushering a fresh new start! On the other hand, do consider carefully whether to replace your vacuum cleaner if that’s what you have been using.

Smudging your home

No, we are not referring to smear unidentified substances in your new home. Smudging is a ceremony that involves the burning of sacred herbs (such as sage) for spiritual cleansing or blessings! This is an indigenous tradition that has transcended thousands of years across North America and is popular amongst spiritualists today. If you are trying this at your new home, don’t forget to open all the windows and doors.

Just a word of caution, be very careful when you light the sage stick and take precaution against fire-related accidents. Even though Tiq Home Insurance offers up to S$5,000 Emergency Cash Allowance within 24 hours+ in the event a fire renders your home uninhabitable, we want to keep our home safe, right? Here’s more on home safety risks and their solutions.

Sprinkle salt at all corners in new home

Recognised around the world as a cleansing substance, salt is believed to clear negative energy and it is an important component used when moving in a new home. Commonly practised in Singapore, the Philippines and Scotland, salt is being sprinkled at all corners of one’s new home to get rid of negativity. It certainly helps to know that salt can also help to keep ants away!

Stay happy at home

The world’s greatest writer, William Shakespeare, once said, “People usually are the happiest at home.” It is most important to feel happy and secured in your private sanctuary, and this is regardless of the moving-in rituals you have for your new home. While you are at it, protect your home with Tiq Home Insurance for an even greater peace of mind.

About Tiq Home Insurance

Tiq Home Insurance by Etiqa is the trusted home protection plan that offers assurance with flexible yet comprehensive coverage to homeowners and tenants. Beyond your building, you can choose to protect renovation, home contents and things you love, only paying for what you need and nothing more. Find out more!


Information is accurate as at 22 July 2020. This policy is underwritten by Etiqa Insurance Pte. Ltd. (Company Reg. No. 201331905K). Protected up to specified limits by SDIC.

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With a shared vision to change the paradigm of insurance and reshape customer experience, Etiqa created the strong foundation for Tiq. Because life never stops changing, Etiqa never stops progressing. A licensed life and general insurance company registered in the Republic of Singapore and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Etiqa is governed by the Insurance Act and has been providing insurance solutions since 1961. It is 69% owned by Maybank, Southeast Asia’s fourth largest banking group, with more than 22 million customers in 20 countries; and 31% owned by Ageas, an international insurance group with 33 million customers across 16 countries.

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