A Father’s Heartfelt Hopes

Key Takeaways

  • All fathers have great hopes for their children
  • Health is the foundation of a happy and productive life
  • Being financially sound allows us to pave the way for our children’s success
  • Being smart takes you places, and being connected takes you further.


Fatherhood is not for everyone. Some of us fall into it, others prepare incessantly for the moment we become a parent, and a few decide that it’s not for them. We’re all built differently, and that’s okay.

For those who do decide to embark on this odyssey, we all share some common fears and hopes. After all, we want them to be as well-equipped to face this world as possible. It is with this in mind, that we’re writing this letter, to the children that have already come into this world, and those that are about to arrive.

Good Health Is the Basis of a Great Life

Every dad hopes that his child will thrive in this world. For that to happen, being healthy is the basis for a happy and productive life.

As a dad, it means taking the utmost care of your health, feeding you with the best nutrition we can get our hands on. Sometimes, a chicken nugget or two is fine if it lifts your mood. But too many, and it’ll be the doctor who starts nagging me, not just your mother. After all, we know that good nutrition is the foundation for solid childhood development.

More importantly, I want to make sure you’re reaching your developmental milestones. Taking you to the paediatrician for regular developmental screenings might be time consuming, but it matters to me that I’m there with you to make sure you’re okay. If it turns out that you’re not doing fine, I’ll do everything I can to make sure you get better.

Be Better Than Me

Whatever level of life I’ve arrived at, it is my genuine hope that you’ll outdo me. I truly believe in the saying that every generation should be better than the last one. Life should be better for you, and it’s my responsibility to lay the groundwork for that.

To help you reach your own greatness, I’ll need to be financially prepared to take you as far as you need to go. It’s not just about academics either. Sure, if you end up in Harvard, I’d be proud of you. But what if you have a knack for dance, or have the ability to become a champion swimmer like Joseph Schooling? Either way, you’ll need the exposure and training to help you realise your talents.

I assure you I’m saving hard and investing in your future, but I’m also not getting any younger. This means that I need to protect what I’ve built for you. If that means spending a small amount to insure myself against large medical bills because of a sudden critical illness, I think it’s a small price to pay. I’ll have to make sure it’s flexible, so it can grow with your dreams, and affordable enough so we can still have a good meal together once in a while.

Have a Big Heart, and Even Bigger Dreams

Talent, and all the skill in the world can only get you as far as people let you. The rest is about connecting with others and working with them to go further than you could ever imagine. I hope you get to make friends that share similar dreams, and find those who love what you love with the same passion and fervour. For that, remember to have a big heart for others, and even bigger dreams.

You’ll find your tribe to bring you forward eventually. But before you can reach them, you’ll face those who tread on your ideals and distract you from your dreams. When you face this resistance, remember that this is a sign that you’re on the right path.

Your dreams belong only to you. They are yours to lose, just as they are yours to achieve.

At The End of the Day…

Before you say I’m being a naggy old man again, I’ll get out of your hair by closing with this:

I hope you live a life less ordinary, for yourself, and those who you will come to know and love. I’m glad that I can be your guide on the first leg of life’s long and winding. Remember that Dad loves you, and will be here for you for as long as I can!

If you’re a dad, this is for you too.

Our kids mean the world to us. I know, I’m a dad too.

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Information is accurate as at 12 June 2023. This policy is underwritten by Etiqa Insurance Pte. Ltd. (Company Reg. No. 201331905K). Protected up to specified limits by SDIC.

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